Digacon blogs
We blog about topics that move our industry - and about everything else that we find exciting and interesting. We are happy if this brings us into an exchange with you.

Especially for companies in the disruptive digitalization environment, constant progress is of central importance. The fact that we are now launching our in-house blog is obviously not a disruptive revolution. For us, it is a means that we will increasingly use in the future to share our thoughts, ideas, projects, goals and visions - in order to get more in touch with our customers, partners, friends and stakeholders. This is an aspect that was neglected in our founding years.
Digacon has been in existence for about three and a half years. In this time we have taken a remarkable and healthy development: We work across Europe in two locations. Our team is 45 people strong, we serve well-known customers from the administration, automotive, and leisure industries - to name just a few. And we want to keep growing: as a company, as a collective innovation lab and, of course, personally and professionally.
With our blogposts, we will primarily address professional topics and give you an insight into our working world: How is the consulting business changing? What is our focus and why do we take our own approach? How is the business world in general changing - and Digacon with it? Which technological developments are interesting for us and our clients?
But we'll also write down personal thoughts and, depending on the topic, pick up on stories of the day: From inclusion to soccer to racism and integration - our range of interests is broad. We would be very happy if you comment on our blogposts, like them on LinkedIn and of course share them. If there's a particular topic you're interested in that we should definitely address, just drop us a line. We look forward to exchanging ideas with you!